Posts Tagged ‘save’

Don’t waste food …

New Year and Christmas led me to think about “how much food is thrown unnecessarily?”.  Usually we prepare food in large quantities, because the human eye is greedy and the table should be full (overfull) no matter that only half of what is served will be eaten, and the rest will end up in garbage bins. Let’s not forget that while we behave irresponsibly with food many people barely manage to get one meal per day.

Have you ever wondered how much food is throw it in the world daily? This is what data says – in America just in 2010 are throw away 34 million tonnes food and only 3% from that are recycled or reuse, remaining 33 million tons ended up in landfills or in ovens for destruction. In addition the above figures, the average American family unnecessarily throws usually 600$ from its budget by unused food that ends up as waste. This is something which forces me to think about … what about you?
The situation in the EU is worrying, too. Figures show that in EU 89 million tons of foods, which is 179 kg per capita, are thrown away annually. The EU institutions aware of the magnitude of the problem has already taken steps to overcome it. The European Parliament called in a resolution adopted on 01/19/2012 for urgent measures to halve food waste by 2025 and to improve access to food for needy EU citizens.

Today, food represents the largest percentage of solid waste, which is normal because there is no life without food. If we approach to this problem with bigger awareness and change our habits we will have both environmental and economic benefit. Food waste will be significantly reduced if we do our buying with plan for necessary stuff for next few days not by grabbing everything we see on the markets. At the same time, more money will remain in our wallets that could be spent for other purpose or need.

But let me going back to the thought and the problem. Food should not necessarily end up in trash bins along with the overall waste. For example:
–    food can be given to those who need it, certainly if still usable. In our country there are many poor families and public kitchens where such food may well be used.
–    food could be used for production of quality compost without pesticides and other chemical. With proper treatment can prepare high quality food without additives for domestic animals. Previously we have written post how to prepare compost.
–    you could extend foods shelf life through processing. For example:
1.    if the tomatoes have started to soften in refrigerator, don’t wait to rotten but crumble them in minor pieces and cook them. That is how you will prepare tomato sauce which can be used in preparation or as a dressing for other meals.
2.    by the rice that you have prepared as a side order for lunch could  be prepared delicious and nutritious meal with simple adding of vegetables and some spices.

Such examples are so many, our grandmothers and mothers used them quite often in the past, but unfortunately we are forgetting this. It is easier for us to get rid of food by throwing it in the trash.
It would be nice if examples what I mention could reach people from commercial facilities, too, and food what is prepared in restaurants daily or food with close deadlines – from the shelves of supermarkets and retail markets, will not became a part of the municipal waste.
Therefore, in future, when you will go to purchase some food think if it is really necessary to buy that food that or you could go home without it, or if you have some food leftovers how would you treat it and where it will end.

We continue to care about water … about us …

Although today officially close the event ” Water week – blogging for water”, one of the events connected with World Water Day 2011, our water-related activities continue.

Unfortunately, even world public is more focused to the protection and conserving of clean water, that doesn’t reduce the number of those who pollute or irrationally use her. We are witnesses of the environmental catastrophes caused by people. Those destroy nature and natural resources. This directly affects humanity, but also the flora and fauna. Register of beautiful samples that are placed on the protection list and species disappearing forever from the Earth’s surface become wider every day. Figures that show how many people die daily due to lack of clean drinking water are frightening.

In the past week we tried to contribute a bit in raising awareness about the importance of water. We write that water is not only part of our everyday living and something everywhere around us, but it is actually most of us. We emphasize that caring for her, actually is care for ourselves.

We invite you to continue along with the activities of protection and saving water. We have a responsibility to future generations to prevent further dying of people for water, to stop disappearing of wonderful species of animals and plants from the image of the Earth. Let’s change our thinking and habits and make a contribution for better tomorrow…

Saving water at home …

Water is essential to life on earth. We need water to grow food, keep clean, provide power, control fire, and last but not least, we need it to stay alive! Saving water is good for the earth, your family, and your community.

There are many simple things you can do to save water.

1.      When you are washing your hands, don’t let the water run while you lather.

2.      Turn off the water after you wet your toothbrush and save 25 gallons a month.There is no need to keep the water running while brushing your teeth. Just wet your brush and fill a glass for mouth rinsing. To save water and time, consider washing your face or brushing your teeth while in the shower.

3.      Take shorter showers. One way to cut down on water use is to turn off the shower after soaping up, then turn it back on to rinse. Another way is to replace you showerhead with an ultra-low-flow version. Some units are available that allow you to cut off the flow without adjusting the water temperature knobs. A four-minute shower uses approximately 20 to 40 gallons of water.

4.      Verify that your home is leak-free, because many homes have hidden water leaks. Read your water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a leak.

5.      Repair dripping faucets by replacing washers. If your faucet is dripping at the rate of one drop per second, you can expect to waste 2,700 gallons per year which will add to the cost of water and sewer utilities, or strain your septic system.

6.      When washing dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing. Fill one sink or basin with soapy water than quickly rinse under a slow-moving stream from the faucet.

7.      Only run the dishwasher and washing machine with a full load. Use a lower setting than you think you’ll need in the washing machine—your clothes will get just as clean with less water. On the dishwasher, choose the short cycle.

8.      Don’t use running water to defrost meat; defrost in the refrigerator.

9.      Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap. Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then reuse it to water houseplants.

10.   Store drinking water in the refrigerator rather than letting the tap run every time you want a cool glass of water.

Do you know more useful tips for saving water? Please share with us.